All Souls Day Remembrance envelopes are now available near the exits. Once filled out, please drop it off at the collection basket, the donation box, or at the Pastoral Center on or before Friday, October 28.
All Souls Day Remembrance envelopes will not be added to the livestream but will be placed on the altar and offered in all the masses for the whole month of November.
All Souls’ Day Remembrance Candles are available in the Cathedral-Basilica Gift Shop. Anyone wanting to offer a candle in honor of their loved ones are welcome to purchase candles in the Gift Shop. Gift Shop staff will then place the candles inside the Cathedral at the base of the altar on all All Souls’ Day weekend.
We are restocking our parish pantry. If you would like to donate non-perishable food items to be given to the poor or personal hygiene accessories, please bring your donations to Mass next Sunday during the Presentation of the Gifts. In order to serve the homeless more conveniently, we request that the food items be nonperishable and easily opened without having to use any form of opener.