To the faithful parishioners of Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica, and to Our Lady of Purification, Maina, please note that in light of the uptick of positive cases on our island, and in an effort to adhere to the call to shelter in place, we announce the latest update of Masses for this weekend for both parishes:
Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica:
9:30AM live stream & KUAM Channnel 8 TV Broadcast. No parking lot Mass.
Our Lady of Purification, Maina:
9:30AM live stream via Cathedral-Basilica & KUAM Channnel 8 TV Broadcast.
No parking lot Mass.
Daily 12:10PM Masses, M-F:
Live stream only.
No parking lot Masses.
God Bless & Take Care,
Cathedral-Basilica/Our Lady of Purification Clergy